Protecting the People Who Provide the Care.
By 2001, St. Paul had left the building; and premiums for senior living facilities didn’t just go up, they went through the roof.
Michael Feeney had a track record of building successful insurance operations for distressed industries. Paul Gillihan and Jack Voss, the two largest insurance agents covering Michigan senior living coaxed Michael out of retirement.
Reluctantly, Michael agreed, but on one condition. It was time to rethink everything.
On August 11, 2001 HealthCap® was born as a captive facility for Michigan-based senior living facilities and became the industry solution to an insurance problem.
...focusing on preventing claims before they occur with a hands-on risk management focus that puts experienced industry professionals into members’ buildings every year.
...only working with insurance agents who are also industry experts.
...never being satisfied.
...proactively managing claims to drive down claim severity.
In 2009 HealthCap® is endorsed by the American Health Care Association and National Centers for Assisted Living (AHCA / NCAL) as the preferred liability insurance provider.
HealthCap® risk managers complete their 25,000th onsite visit. That’s right…over 25,000 on-site risk management visits since HealthCap® began. If you want to know why HealthCap® member claim frequency is half the industry average, just start there.
Our Resource & Education Center goes open source, allowing access to the knowledge and experience of our Risk Managers to all members of the Senior Living Industry in an effort to improve resident outcomes and reduce risk overall
Countries across the globe struggled mightily to contain it employing a variety of strategies none of which were particularly effective. The fifty states of America also reacted in a broad variety of ways, again, none of which helped stem the impact of COVID on the vulnerable.
In the face of changing directives each and every day from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institute for Health (NIH), the Executive Branch of the Federal Government and their counterparts in fifty states, our members and the senior living industry as a whole were overwhelmed to say the least. The American Health Care Association (AHCA) had a role to play in organizing industry efforts and we at HealthCap had our role to play in helping an industry under siege put its best foot forward and provide the highest quality of care under the most extreme circumstances.
Our risk management partners could not directly visit facilities, but we could check in, coach, and consult. Our in-house team processed the huge volume of daily national and state directives and pushed out communiques summarizing and synthesizing what needed to be done next.
Since the beginning of COVID in March 2020, HealthCap produced over 1,000 policies, procedures, infographics, webinars, seminars, podcasts and presentations often in both Spanish and English. We made everything available to the entire industry, members and non-members alike.
Needless to say, HealthCap met a need as we have for the past twenty years.
The quality of care has never been better. Thanks goes to the leadership of AHCA / NCAL and we can take some credit for our small contribution.
Relationships matter, particularly when it comes to avoiding litigation.
They take care of your residents.
Facilities and families win and lawyers lose.